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There are 581 products.


Glossy Wet Mud Soils


Set to recreate wet mud soil effects on any kit. 3 enamel jars 35mL

This innovative set includes all necessary products to recreate Mud & Splashes effects for muddy wet grounds with its distinct glossy aspect.


Churned Earth Soils


Set to recreate churned earth effects on any kit. 3 enamel jars 35mL

With this set you will have all necessary products to recreate Mud & Splashes effects for churned and turned earth terrain and weathering effects.


Arid & Dusty Soils


Set to recreate dusty soil effects on any kit. 3 enamel jars 35mL

Includes all necessary products to recreate varied Mud & Splashes effects for arid, dried, and dusty terrain for both ground work and operational vehicles.


Damp Soils


Set to recreate damp soil effects on any kit. 3 enamel jars 35mL

With this set you will have all necessary products used to recreate Mud & Splashes effects for damp or wet soils environments.



Airviper Airbrush (0.2mm)


The AIRVIPER, a new airbrush that will allow modelers to perform fine detail and precision work with ease. The 0.2mm nozzle/needle combination make it possible to spray extremely fine lines with complete control.