Figures Sets
Flesh Tones Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 6 jars 17mL
These colors are totally mixable to obtain every skin tone.
Marpat Desert Camouflage Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
his pack includes the 4 colours needed to paint the MARPAT desert camouflage used by the United States Marine Corps today.
Marpat Woodland Camouflage Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
This pack includes the 4 colours needed to paint the MARPAT woodland camouflage used by the United States Marine Corps today
British Army in Africa
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
This set includes the four colours required for painting the uniform used by the famous British 8th Army or the mythical SAS in the North African campaign during World War II.
British Paratroopers Red Devils WWII
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This pack includes the 6 colours required to accurately paint the uniform used by the 1st British Airborne Division, better known as Red Devils, during the Second World War.
US Marines WWII Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This set contains the six colours required for painting the uniform used by the USMC in the Pacific theatre during World War II.
Waffen SS Spring Camo. German Einchenlaubmuster Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This pack includes the six colours required to paint the distinctive and complex German Eichenlaubmuster in the spring variation.
Erbsenmuster Pea Dot Camouflage Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This pack includes the 6 colours required to paint the distinctive and complex German Erbsenmuster (‘Pea Dot’) camouflage pattern, first delivered to the Waffen-SS in 1944.
Japanese Infantry WWII Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
This set includes the four colours required to paint accurately the uniform used by the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII.
DAK Uniforms (Africa Korps) Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This pack includes the 6 colours for painting the famous uniforms used by the German forces in North Africa during World War II under the leadership of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox. Includes the range of tones used to accurately represent the different variations used by the DAK forces.
Leather Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set.6 jars 17mL
This convenient set includes 6 essential colours used to obtain almost any type of leather finish.
US Vietnam Uniform Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Selection of acrylic colours for figures formulated to paint American units uniforms during Vietnam
British WWII Uniforms Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Complementary Colors Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 6 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Russian Flora Uniforms Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
IDF Uniforms Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Multicam Camouflage Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 6 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Basic Colors Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 6 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
RAF WWII Pilot Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Luftwaffe WWII Pilot Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.
Panzer Crew Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
Soviet uniforms WWII Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
US Forces Uniforms WWII Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
German Field Grey Uniforms Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
Winter Uniforms Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 4 jars 17mL
Product specially formulated for the painting of figures.
Splinter Camouflage Figures Set
Acrylic Colors Set. 6 jars 17mL
High quality acrylic paints designed for accurately painting your miniatures.