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Acrylic professional varnish.
Jar of 60 mL.

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Varnish application has long been one of the biggest challenges for modelers. Many have ruined a few models due to the use of poor quality or inappropriate varnishes for the job at hand, and the thing is that the varnishing process is an extremely important step of the build. For the first time, AMMO releases a complete varnish range for winning results on each and every model.

These acrylic varnishes will allow you to get the best results with both brush and airbrush in a very simple manner. It must be used in thin layers, and can be applied directly from the jar without thinning for a perfect finish. When used through the airbrush, we recommend spraying 6 inches (15 cm) away from the surface. It is non-toxic and odorless, and dries completely in 24 hours.

This new varnish range was carefully developed over a lengthy period to ensure the modeler a perfect result every time. Don´t take your chances, use LUCKY VARNISH, a winning product that will rule out any mishap that may occur when using ordinary varnishes. Available in all the usual finishes used in scale modeling, from high gloss to dead flat.

Easy to use and simple to clean. Incredible transparent finishes for all of your models, and accurate for all subjects. Will not yellow or alter colors. Perfect for both brush and airbrush.

1- Using an airbrush, apply in light and short passes using 1.2 bar (17psi) air pressure, avoiding build up.
2- Let dry at least 5 minutes between coats. Do NOT flood the surface.
3- Let it dry completely for 12 hours.
No thinning needed. Clean with A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner or water

If you want to know more about how to use product, click here.


Specific References



Secado poroso al aplicar con aerografo

Sellando un Ju G Stuka 1/48 y utilizando por primera vez el producto, al secar dejó una superficie porosa.. aplicando con pincel logre ver que el producto es bueno, pero si al uso del aerografo, se seca dejando residuos en la aguja que parecen trozos de plástico y son difíciles de remover y que al formarse se transfieren al modelo... desgraciadamente no era lo que esperaba.. esperaba un producto fácil de usar y de rápidos resultados... como todos los productos MIG que han sido de gran ayuda!! Pero este no es el caso.. he surfeado la internet en busca de algún tutorial porque también puedo ser yo el factor de error... y no he encontrado nada. Espero pronto poder ver esto y ojalá encontrar una respuesta. Mientras tanto... compra este barniz bajo tu propio riesgo...

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Acrylic professional varnish.
Jar of 60 mL.

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