
STAHLADLER 1 - The German Way of Engineering (English)


29,70 $

ATENCIÓN. Este ejemplar es solamente en Inglés. También disponible en Alemán y Castellano.

Limited edition. Only available until stock runs out.

Guide for German Modelling Subjects & Culture. Softcover, 160 pages with high-quality full-colour photos. Also available in Spanish and German languages.

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AMMO is proud to present the first issue of STAHLADLER, a series of books dealing exclusively with the building, painting, and weathering of German – military and civilian – models from 1914 to the present day.

This is not just another modelling publication: in addition to an exciting selection of modelling topics, we have also set ourselves the goal of showing you more about Germany, the country where all these vehicles have been built and we modellers originated from.

Therefore, in addition to amazing models, you will find here articles dealing with sightseeing, history, daily life, culture, interesting and unusual German people, food, and beverages and so much more showing you the German life from back then until now.

So please, feel welcome to Germany, we hope to bring you an exciting read and many ideas for your model building projects in the future.


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STAHLADLER 1 - The German Way of Engineering (English)

ATENCIÓN. Este ejemplar es solamente en Inglés. También disponible en Alemán y Castellano.

Limited edition. Only available until stock runs out.

Guide for German Modelling Subjects & Culture. Softcover, 160 pages with high-quality full-colour photos. Also available in Spanish and German languages.

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