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AgustaWestland A109


27,54 $

Libro, tapa blanda, 116 páginas con imágenes de alta calidad. 

¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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Reference: DH-024
Title: Agusta Westland A109 & the Belgian Air Force A109 Display Team
Author/s: Robert Pied, Nicolas Deboeck
Publisher: HMH Publications
Thematic: Walkaround
Collection: Aircraft in Detail
Languages: English
No. of pages & Description: Softcover, 116 pages with high-quality full-colour photos
ISBN: 978-2931083161

  For the first time, a close-up of the AgustaWestland A109 Helicopter, combined with a presentation of the Belgian Air Force Demonstration Team. Also included are versions active in the UK, Sweden, Italy, New Zealand, and South Africa.


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AgustaWestland A109

Libro, tapa blanda, 116 páginas con imágenes de alta calidad. 

¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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