
Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II


29,06 $

Libro, tapa blanda, 140 páginas con 320 imágenes de alta calidad.
¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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A complete portrait of this iconic aeroplane and its variants containing photos of all the features including action shots, Cockpit views, Fuselage, Weapons and Maintenance in addition to up-to-date information.

This book covers every part of the aircraft, from the fuselage, wings, landing gear and vertical tail to the cockpit and engines. It also includes some spectacular action photos of Tiger IIs operated by the US Marines and US Navy, as well as aircraft from Switzerland, Brasil, Mexico, Taiwan and even the Iranian Sa'eqeh, the modified F-5 equipped with two vertical tails. Of the earlier versions, many photos feature the Spanish F-5BM, but also the Norwegian, Turkish and Venezuelan aircraft are included. An extensive chapter on the maintenance of the F-5 can be found, both on the F-5E/F/N and the F-5A/B. This book includes over 320 photos.


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Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II

Libro, tapa blanda, 140 páginas con 320 imágenes de alta calidad.
¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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