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Boeing F-15 E/K/SG Strike Eagle


27,65 GBP

Libro, tapa blanda, 196 páginas con 450 imágenes de alta calidad.
¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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Ever since the F-15E Strike Eagle was introduced into the US Air Force, the aircraft proved to be a highly reliable fighter jet, capable of taking a huge load of weapons on missions. No less than 19 weapons stations are available, not even counting the stations for the sniper and electronics pods underneath the air intakes. This book includes detail photos of every part of the aircraft, from the tip of the radome to the very end of the vertical tails.

The action photos in this book show just how agile, maneuverable and fast the Strike Eagle actually is. Photos, taken of F-15Es passing fast and low through the Mach Loop are combined with action from all Strike Eagle units active today.

A huge chapter of over 20 pages shows both cockpits of the Strike Eagle in every detail. No detail is overlooked, from the huge Head-Up Display to the Aces II Ejection Seat.

We show the details of the entire fuselage, wings, vertical and horizontal tails, landing gear and arrestor hook. The interior of the speed brake is not forgotten and we even take you into the maintenance hangar! Included in this book are the F-15K (Korea), F-15I (Israel), F-15SG (Singapore) and even F-15QA (Qatar)


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Boeing F-15 E/K/SG Strike Eagle

Libro, tapa blanda, 196 páginas con 450 imágenes de alta calidad.
¡ATENCIÓN! Este libro solo es en Inglés.

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